Schema Therapy
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 Schema Therapy Slide Shows

You can choose from 4 different slide shows, each focusing on a different aspect of Schema Therapy.  Just click on the link you're interested in to the right.
Browser Compatibility - Technical Suggestions
Because web browsers have been significantly improved since these slide shows were developed, the slides cannot be viewed optimally on any current browser without making some adjustments.
For the best viewing experience now, we recommend using Internet Explorer, but only in desktop Compatibility View.                                                          
(If you try to view the slides in newer versions of Internet Explorer without using Compatibility View, the slides are illegible. Furthermore, the slides cannot be viewed at all in Windows 8 "Modern" mode -- only in "Desktop" mode with compatibility view.)
You can also view the slides in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers, but the slides themselves are displayed much smaller than intended.

Slide Show Overviews
Reinventing Your Life --  This slide show was developed for the general public, and is based on our popular self-help book, Reinventing Your Life. These slides explain the basic schema therapy approach in very simple language, and is easy to understand.  It's a great starting point if you want to learn more about ST.

 Schema Therapy: Revised Conceptual Model --   These slides describe the theoretical model underlying schema therapy.  They were designed primarily for therapists, but are interesting to non-therapists as well.

 Schema Therapy: Treatment Strategies --  This slide show explains the steps in doing the therapy.  Again, it's designed for therapists, but non-therapists can get a good sense of how the treatment works from the slides.

 Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder -- These slides will be of primary interest to therapists, and to individuals who have this disorder. The concept of schema modes is introduced, and both the theory and treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder are presented.

All slides are Copyright 2014, Jeffrey Young, Ph.D., and cannot be reproduced (except for personal use) without written permission.