Reproducing & Translating Schema Inventories
The inventories on this site contain sample items, for evaluation purposes only. To reproduce any schema inventory for research or clinical use, you must order a set of inventories from us. (For ordering and pricing information, please go to the our new online ordering website: Copying any of the inventories without purchasing them from us is a violation of copyright law.
Once you purchase inventories, please be sure not to alter the questionnaires in any way. Also, do not, under any circumstances, remove the copyright notice at the bottom of each questionnaire. Finally, if you are using the inventories for research, please send us a copy of your findings when you have written them up.
Translating Schema Inventories
If you are interested in translating the inventories into another language, be sure to write us for permission first, since they have already been translated into most major languages. Translating any inventories without our express written permission is a violation of international copyright law.
If you do translate an inventory with our permission, we will require that you locate a colleague who is fluent both in English and in your language (someone for whom English is his or her native language) to check over the translation to be sure the meaning of the items is very close to the original meaning. We have had problems with translations into other languages when the words are translated too literally, or when the translators do not really understand the meaning of the individual schemas, according to our definitions.
Once the translation has been approved, you will be required to make them easily available to other therapists and researchers in your country, charging enough to cover your own expenses, but without significant profit. You must reprint the copyright notice at the bottom of each inventory, including your own name and address as well as ours. Of course, you will also be required to send us copies of the translations for our own files.