Schema Therapy
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 Specific Inventories

Young Schema Questionnaire: Long & Short Forms

The current version of the YSQ is the 3rd Edition, and has both long and short forms (YSQ-3).  The 3rd Edition has all 18 schemas; the long form also has a scoring key and interpretation grid. To order the YSQ, please visit our new Schema Therapy Order Center website:
Be sure to note that, while we have reprinted a few sample items from the YSQ-2 on this website, it is no longer being used. We have included it here so that  visitors can get a sense of what the YSQ is like.

The Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ)  assesses which of the Early Maladaptive Schemas a patient probably has.
The YSQ has both a long form and a short form. Many people have written us asking about the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two versions.  
There are two main advantages of the long form.  First, most people currently researching the YSQ all over the world are using the short version.  Second, for clinical purposes, the long form contains items reflecting more subtle nuances of each schema.
There are also three advantages to using the short form.  First, it is of course much faster to administer.  Second,  it is more pure factorially, since it contains the 5 highest loading items for each factor/schema.  Finally, in the long run, it will probably be used more frequently in research for the above reasons.  The reliability and factor structures seem to be equivalent for the short and long forms.

Other Schema Inventories

The Young Parenting Inventory (YPI)  identifies the most likely origins of each schema for a particular patient.  
The Young-Rygh Avoidance Inventory (YRAI)  measures the degree to which a patient utilizes various forms of schema avoidance.
The Young Compensation Inventory (YCI)  measures the most common ways that a patient overcompensates for his or her schemas.
To view sample items from any of these inventories, click on the relevant link to the right.

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